Transitioning to Middle School

Sixth Graders at Lorton Station go to either Hayfield Secondary School, Lake Braddock Secondary School, or South County Middle School for Seventh Grade. All of these schools host events for Rising Seventh Graders in the winter before students do course selection for their seventh-grade year. Check out the rising 7th Grade Resources at all of our middle schools below.

More information about middle school transition, classes, and course selection can be found by viewing this PowerPoint presentation.

Families can also contact our School Counselor Laura Baier or our Family Liaison Tania Muskett for more information about middle school transition in FCPS.

Resources will be added as they are received.

Here are the due dates for course selection:

  • February 5th  Lake Braddock Course Selection Sheet due back to Counselors
  • February 7th South County Course Selection sheet due back to Counselors
  •  February 14th  - Hayfield Course Selection Sheets due back to Counselors