Lorton Station PTO

Creating connections to support our Lorton Station staff and families

Need to get in touch with the Lorton Station PTO?

General Information

What does the Lorton Station PTO do? 

The primary goal of the Lorton Station PTO is to support the students and staff at Lorton Station Elementary.  This is done in a variety of ways, which include:

  • Working closely with the LSES administration, supporting school programs and taking part in school events.
  • Sponsoring events for students and the community such as Family Movie Night.
  • Hosting staff appreciation events.
  • Fundraising to support the LSES school community.

How Do I Join the PTO?

Our PTO does not collect dues so joining is completely free!  If you are interested in joining, please email the Lorton Station PTO.  More information will be shared with you about our meetings, events, and upcoming activities.

PTO Meetings (2024-2025 School Year)

Please join us for a PTO meeting as all are welcome to attend!  The majority of our meetings are virtual to allow for flexibility for families to attend.  Zoom information will be shared closer to the meeting.  Minutes will also be available on this page after each meeting.

The PTO Meetings for the 2024-2025 school year will be held on the following dates:

  • September 17th
  • October 8th
  • November 15th
  • December 10th
  • January 7th
  • February 4th
  • March 11th
  • April 8th
  • May 13th

Lorton Station PTO Officers

  • PTO President: JaMelle McNally
  • PTO Vice President | Programs: Sholonda Boynes
  • PTO Vice President | Fundraising: Lynesha Brown
  • Treasurer: Jasmine Correy
  • Communications: Michelle Barr
  • Secretary: Dr. Katina James
  • Advisor: Casey Eggleston - AAP

Please email the Lorton Station PTO to get in touch with any of our officers.

How can I sponsor the PTO?

Are you a local business that would like to sponsor our school through our PTO?  More information about how you can support our organization, events, and activities can be found here.

Thank you to our current sponsors!
a flyer thanking the sponsors of the lorton station PTO